Some points to pay attention to in 20241. You may be trapped for a few months, but missing the opportunity means four years of a cycle2. Don't be too greedy when escaping the top~wanting to rise more, and don't be too greedy when buying the bottom~wanting to be very low3. The characteristics of the bottom of the adjustment and retracement in the middle of the bull market may not be very obvious, and it may V-reverse at any time4. It may take two weeks to recover after falling for two months5. It is possible that this round will come earlier than expected#btcAll of the above are based on your belief in the halving bull cycle in 2024.摘要:Somepointstopayattentiontoin20241Youmaybetrappedforafewmonths,butmissingtheopportunitymeansfouryearsofacycle2...